24-7 Medical Banner Riser Recliner Chairs

Riser Recliner Chairs

Our riser recliner and care chairs allow you to switch between functions to reach optimal comfort for you in your home. These chairs are designed to assist you with getting in and out of them. Our riser recliner care chairs offer various styles of lumbar support and built-in headrest. We offer a single motor chair, but the main version usually has dual motors that offer multiple chair adjustments to ensure that the chair supports you perfectly.

Riser recliners are essentially motorised armchairs that will recline and lift you up out of the chair at the touch of a button. These chairs are very versatile and can help you get out of your chair more easily and raise your legs up if swelling is a problem. There is a wide range of riser recliners (sometimes called ‘lift’ chairs) on the market, some produced by traditional furniture manufacturers whilst others are produced by specialist mobility product manufacturers, generally produced to higher safety standards.

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